A new version of UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™;) has been commercially released

Product Announcement:

UNICOM® Digital Transformation
Toolkit (UDTT™) 10.2 released

As a valued UNICOM customer, we want to let you know that a new version of UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) has been commercially released.

The new release, UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit 10.2, helps general business to integrate legacy applications with new technologies, and then quickly accomplishes the digital transformation.

New features include:


Gradle style project structure support in UDTT™ development tool
A Gradle or Maven project can be converted from one to the other
Provide new plugin to generate UDTT's Gradle Project
Enhance existing UDTT™ IDE actions and functions to support the new Gradle directory structure
UDTT™ Builder performance and usability improvement for generating runtime artifacts easily from business process designed in UDTT™ tool
Run UDTT™ builder and automation tools within the same JVM to get better performance and higher availability
Enable the UDTT™ builder to run independently, or run with other build automation tools
Support popular build automation tools (Ant Task, Maven Mojo)
UDTT™ enhancement to support micro service architecture
Expose UDTT™ Flow and Operation as a service easily
Enable other app (both UDTT™ client app and 3rd party app) to access UDTT™ service easily
UDTT™ host assessment simplification
Provide unified APIs and configurations for various host types and protocols
Usability improvement by enabling configuration tool
New extension point introduced to facility future extension
Performance improving by optimizing connection pools
Cache for micro service data
The remote cache service allows you to share information to improve performance, increase throughput, and provide high availability.
OpenJDK 11 support
Tooling plug-in compatible with OpenJDK
Runtime libraries compatible with OpenJDK
Client-side Java swing GUI compatible with OpenJDK
Support Tomcat running on top of OpenJDK
Underlying software concurrency certification
AdoptOpenJDK 11 (Eclipse Adoptium)
MQ 9.x
Oracle 12.x
Maven 3.6.x
Redis 3.x.x and above
eclipse 4.11(2019-03)

To request this new release of UDTT™, please log in or register on the UNICOM Customer Portal, or email udtt.support@unicomsi.com.

At UNICOM, our commitment is to ensure that ongoing research and development continue for all UNICOM Software Solutions and to maintain the highest standards of technical support for you, our customers.

Media Contact:
Mr. Russ Guzzo

E: russ.guzzo@unicomglobal.com

T: 1.818.838.0606

15535 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345, US
Phone Number: +1.818.838.0606

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