A new version of UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™;) has been commercially released


UNICOM® Digital Transformation
Toolkit (UDTT™) 10.5 released

As a valued UNICOM customer, we want to let you know that a new version of UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) has been commercially released.

The new release, UDTT™ 10.5, helps general business to integrate legacy applications with new technologies, and then quickly accomplishes the digital transformation.

New features include:

UDTT™ Integration with Elasticsearch
Enrich UDTT output format to fit with Elasticsearch
Enable UDTT output information to be queried and analyzed in Elasticsearch
A meaningful dashboard enables customers to get a deep insight of the UDTT application through Kibana
UDTT™ Service Registry Enabled
Scale UDTT Services on demand
High availability in service level
More flexibility in cloud environment
Session Management Enhancement in Distributed Environment
HTTP session timeout handling enhancement
Failover Enhancement
Underlying Software Concurrency Certification
Latest Application Server support (WebSphere Application Server Liberty V23, Apache Tomcat V9.0.x)
Latest browser support for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 support
Solaris SPARC 11.4 support
Windows 2019 support

To request this new release of UDTT™, please log in or register on the UNICOM Customer Portal, or email to udtt.support@unicomsi.com.

At UNICOM, our commitment is to ensure that ongoing research and development continue for all UNICOM software solutions and to maintain the highest standards of technical support for you, our customers.

Media Contact:
Mr. Russ Guzzo

E: russ.guzzo@unicomglobal.com

T: 1.818.838.0606

15535 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345, US
Phone Number: +1.818.838.0606

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